It is true that if anyone would try to describe this text, it would not be easy to apprehend if it belongs to the category of Novels, Biographies, Self development, Travelling, all of the above put together, or if it is a new category on its own.
A “category on its own”, may sound egoistic, so lets simply say that it is a confession which is based on real life that becomes letters and words in order to share the wisdom that is included within it, and also to declare the
thankfulness to every single person who was a part of the mentioned stories. It includes journeys and adventures in at least sixteen countries, and on top of that, it includes an ethical, cultural and spiritual seeking as well, on all levels of being. It also includes very important aspects of the Western civilization, and the East culture, and many other taboo themes of our modern society.
The story is set in a small park in a neighborhood of Athens, where the meeting of two different personalities becomes the reason for all those things which will be written in the book. So, as the recounting of the trips starts in different continents and countries, describing real facts which are characterized from the vividness of the personal experience, the text develops into a story full of twists, surprises, and profound conclusions on the development and self-realization of Man. Unique descriptions of human behaviours, landscapes and authentic emotional expressions, are the main elements.
Relationships, money, teaching, authenticity, happiness, death and many other aspects are those which are described and analyzed in detail in a simple and understandable approach. Thailand, Nepal, Cuba, Israel, Morocco and the Philippines are few of the countries which are included, where the true daily human stories evolve and are used as vehicles. Stories which are used as vehicles in order for the reader to understand, synchronize with, or identifies himself and thus he ultimately deepens into the most important level of the text, which is the personal development and self-realization of Man. A text that ends up like a philosophical extract, inspired and written by the simplicity of human’s daily life.