Experiencing the deepest respect and appreciation, I feel the need to express my gratitude to all those who have been collaborating with me in achieving and celebrating the miracles in your life.
All the confidence I have been blessed with is a great honor for me. Your commitment and dedication to the goal has also been a great honor, alongside your words, full of love. I cherish the joy of being a witness of the greatness of the soul.
Thank you, from bottom of my heart!
Ioannis Koulanis
All of you partners - miracle makers, are welcomed to record and express your testimony, regarding your personal experience.
Natasa Kami I [ Individual Sessions ]

Before making the decision to have individual sessions with Ioannis, I used to keep my emotions inside me. Few times, while expressing what bothered me, the result was the opposite of what I expected. So I felt disappointed and I couldn’t get what I needed. This was giving me a lot of pain, and became the reason I stopped expressing myself. But, my suppressed emotions searched and found a way to manifest themselves, and I got a tumor. I met Ioannis around the same time I was diagnosed with cancer. We had a few sessions together, through which I was witnessing miracles and healing in my life.
I was able to focus more on my emotional expression; I realized how important it was to do this without using violence; and being totally responsible for my emotions. Since then, I have being trying to replace: “You make me feel angry,” with, “I feel angry because I don’t like…”. This might look easy, but it is like learning a new language, a language everybody understands, because nobody wants to be blamed, and nobody can blame you for expressing how you feel. Even if it is difficult for me, to find the right words to express my thankfulness to Ioannis, I can say more than a huge “Thank you”. He is a person that I will love and honor forever.
Ombretta Ferraro I Market research consultant I [ Return to the Center ]


I decided to participate in the workshop “Return To The Center” without even exactly knowing what it was about, urged to attend by a friend of mine, the owner of the location. I started it with skepticism and lack of conviction. Immediately, I was captured by Ioannis' ability to allow myself to look deep inside myself. It was an unbelievable experience, even difficult to describe without the risk of dumbing it down. I had the opportunity to touch and experience deeply with my heart aspects of which I had knowledge only on a cognitive level. I laughed, I cried, I was loved. I had the opportunity to share with great people five days of my life --intense and unforgettable to the point that I decided to repeat the workshop for the second time in Poland after few days! Different energy, different emotions, different people, but an amazing experience anyway. Thanks Ioannis!
Fotini Chasioti ACC I Business Coach & Certified Personal Brand Strategist
[ Return to the Center ]

Participating in Return to the Center workshop with Ioannis, was an experience far greater than I had anticipated. During those five days, I managed to connect with myself on a deeper emotional level, which even now amazes me. His methodology and techniques are able to touch the mental, emotional and spiritual parts of the human being, in a way, which I cannot explain. After working for years in the self-development field, and participating in many seminars, I can certainty say that Ioanni’s authenticity and dedication to what he is doing impressed me. It was a unique experience for me, which has been a turning point in my life, and I really thank him from my heart.
Elena Cosma I Musician I [ Yoga ]

For me, the word “Yoga” identifies with the name of Ioannis, something I can say with certainty after many hours as his student on the yoga mat. The way he runs his classes, the feeling of trust he emits and the reconciliation with your body, which comes along as Ioannis talks to you, all these constitute the best cooperation a student may have with a teacher; it’s a relationship we work on, lose and finally reconquer once more. What makes this lesson different is Ioannis’ ability to understand the treatment of Yoga as a will power that each one of us possesses; his ability makes him urge his students and help them use the art of Yoga, in the best possible way. During my Yoga classes, I close my eyes and I feel free; I get my own time, while no one expects anything of me. It is the moment I have the luxury of my silence...
Tomas Stibrany I Hip-Hop Instructor I [ Return to the Center ]


The workshop “Return to the Center”, gave me a lot of experiences and also a new prescription of how am i able to transform my emotions and the way I react, just by using a simple method. I have started using it after my participation in the workshop and it does really work, I enjoy that. I liked also the many different meditations during the workshop that influences me to be more open. I am also grateful for all the people who have different lives and experiences, that they joined and were part of the group. Thanks to Nisarga and Dhyandeepa for their support during the whole group and thanks to You Ioannis for sharing your experiences, knowledge, love and the tools that you are giving to people, to live happy lives.
Maria Koutsaviti I Saleswoman I [ Meditation ]

Having the experience of kinetic meditations with Ioannis, I always feel gratitude and joy that I had the opportunity to be part of a circle, experiencing strong emotions, unconditional love and unity with everything; all these meditations were experienced so pleasantly, creatively and customized for the western man that I always look forward to our next meeting.
Ioannis, thanks!
Katarzyna Vernile I Advertiser I [ Return to the Center ]


For most of my life, I had been learning how to be demanding; how to improve the quality of communication with people and I thought that nothing would surprize me anymore...
However, during those five days I joined the group “Return to the Center”, I experienced a very positive shock in the full sense of the word... In five days, I came closer to myself and my emotions like I never had before... I learned to recognise my deepest, hidden feelings and express them in a way that was unknown to me so far. Ioannis guided us through our fears, our "caves" and showed us how beautiful it is not to be afraid of them. Each day, I became more and more “open to”/ conscious of what was happening around and within me... I almost felt ashamed and frightened, while discovering my true self, dissolving each layer one at a time. In fact, I can not even express in words the beauty of what happened in that workshop... Today, I am able to use the “tools” I acquired in order to communicate without violence... Going there, I didn’t know exactly what workshops I was going to join, and I wish everyone has the same spontaneous adventure with their selves, surrounded by loving eyes and the warmest of all hugs under the sun...
Harris Leondiou I Business Consultant I [ Υoga ]

One word describes the feeling after a Yoga "lesson" with Ioannis: Joy! Joy because our body feels so light, joy because it was approached with love and respect and because we provided a little care and attention to it, in a mild manner, encouraging it simultaneously to achieve a little more each time. Joy because Ioannis approximates with simplicity, directness and sincere pleasure each one of us. He deals with everything we do as if it was something new, something done for the first time, paying attention to every detail, both in our movements and positions and to the space. His commitment indicates the level of our achievement.
A big thank you!
Angie Festas I Economist I [ Kids Υoga ]

In our troubled times, where finding a truthful and inspiring teacher is so hard to do, I was delighted that I found and trusted you in 'placing the seed' of yoga and self-awareness in my two children! What a magical gift and a wonderful journey! All aiming in the personal and healthy growth of children and the support and guidance of the sometimes 'lost' parents! Truly grateful...thank you!
George Maroulis I Businessman I [ Yoga ]

Overcoming any prejudice and my personal fears, I found myself, prompted by my good friend Ioannis, in a new world of self-awareness, self-development and physical wellness; I, thus, combined the Ancient Greek way of exercising my body with the Asian way of controlling and progressing my mind. Even though I initially faced difficulties due to the construction of my body (1.91m height and 120 pounds weight), however, with the proper encouragement and directions of my teacher, I integrated yoga into my life, providing myself the luxury of a three hours class per week. And, of course, I have become a preacher of the view that yoga affects all people from ages 3 to 103 years old.
Naomi Sweet I Professional Network Marketer / Business owner I [Reflexology ]


After meeting for the first time with Ioannis I felt very relaxed and comfortable. He had a calming and relaxed attitude yet I soon discovered he was extremely knowledgeable in his field and knew exactly what he was doing. I was impressed with his ability to point out and show me on my body where I needed the most attention and correction. I felt a healing energy from him and through working with each other with the breathe we were able to make some good progress. I felt was in the care of someone whom was very professional and loved what he did. This is important to me. After the session, having my meridians more balanced (I'm not going to deny it was painful at times,) I felt great and it was well worth it- I would definitely do it all over again! I was left feeling light, energized, more balanced and happier than when I first arrived. Thanks you so much Ioannis I would highly recommend anyone to go see him.
Manos Rousounelos I Businessman I [ Familly Constellation ]

I had the divine opportunity to work with myself through Ioannis, in Mykonos, in the summer of 2012.
The program included systemic representation and a short meditation at the end. Ioannis, as coordinator, provided to each one of us individually, but also as a group, the opportunity to bring to the surface issues, which were hidden for a long time, in a simple and understandable way. With harmonious energy, all of us- as one- were headed to certain parts of ourselves that needed more love and light at that period. I thank wonderful Ioannis and the entire team for the Divine experience, and may God bless them all!
Haris Nikolopoulou I Graphic designer I [ Return to the Center ]

“Τhank you Ioannis, for helping me to understand how important is the “way” that we communicate! Who much can strengthen or impoverish the human relationships. How catalyst can be operated, when everybody is responsible for his responsibilities, and he express his real feelings without anger and denial but through love. "
Alina Lisiecka I Translator I [ Return to the Center ]

The NVC workshop with Ioannis was a fabulous experience for me. Although I’ve been to many workshops about self development, meditation, tantra etc – because of his work I realize that I have very little contact with my own emotions and needs, and that it was like a mystery to me. For a long time I had a feeling that I was missing something, like I forgot about something but was unable to recall what it was. During those five days I found what I was missing, and it was the connection with myself, my emotions and needs. Very gently, with love and respect I learned how to deal with all emotions, especially with those I found difficult, like fear, pain or frustration, so I don’t have to push them away or suppress them anymore. And now, after 1,5 months I still feel the impact, like a profound work on the roots that nourish the whole plant. And I can honestly say I started to truly live, accept and experience everything, because I can handle everything that comes, and I can find happiness in all experiences. And also I believe it all would not be so deep and profound if it was not for Ioannis himself. By his openness, enormous heart, and extraordinary understanding and compassion for everyone, he created a wonderful space, safe for everyone to work, share and experience. And every day I am grateful for that meeting, because it transformed, and gently steered my life to a new path, without violence, and full of happiness and “giraffes”

Helen Gaitani I Accountant I [ Yoga ]

One day, ignorant of yoga, I met John, and slowly this magical world began to unfold before me... I felt a boundless feeling of peace, my body gained a sense of harmony with my soul and spirit; I relieved myself from the problems of everyday life and felt like flying. For a while, I feel like I'm free and, actually… I’m free!I for myself! Even though it sounds difficult, it is really liberating.And of course, nothing would have been possible without the significant contribution and inspiring guidance of a truly special person! So, Yoga with Ioannis! …The appropriate guide and initiator of this trip.
Amalia Borsi I Accountant - Poet I [ Individual Sessions ]

It would be very “silver” (= cheap, not acknowledging its true value) of me to talk about a person I’ve met in my life, or rather, a person that the universe has brought to me in order to help me develop my standardized reality, that piece of me that was hiding and leading me to catastrophic scenarios of my life. It would also be “silver” of me to talk about Ioannis Koulanis, who came to the trenches of my winter and showed me- in a simple way- that to express my truth is the change that would lead me into the wonders of life. I carefully approached him, with a sadness painted on whatever I did. I never thought his method would bring the results I needed. This method did nothing more than focus on my non-ego and reveal to me how to become aware of it and feel myself; something I had long lost. It also taught me how to express my emotions in a healthy way; a way to function and act morally, both for me and others… So, it would really be “silver” of me to talk about Ioannis Koulanis.
Georgia Varotsos I Public Servant I [ Yoga ]

Yoga for me is a way of life. Since I started Yoga with Ioannis, my body has been more flexible and my breathing has become more stable. Yoga has also changed the way I think, how I perceive everything around me either in a happy or sad way; it has changed my behavior and, therefore, all my life. Besides the training of my body, which is really important for me, I also train my spirit with yoga, something even more important. Watching the disciples/ classes of Ioannis, which include the training of the body, breathing exercises and relaxation, I constantly experience a spiritual and physical development.